From Custom User Interface Designs (CUID) and functionality requirements, at Tech ICS we appreciate that every aspect of Software needs to gel for its to work in your business.
We work on creating new Cloud-Based Systems Software and or Local CRM’s ensuring that your business can manage daily tasks, customer relations, reporting tools, financial calculations as well as others, by giving a system that can work with you and your colleagues and manage your clients effectively.
Our systems comprise many aspects, we’ve constructed the basic core to provide a general outlay on how it works with us, at Tech ICS.
User Interface (UI)
This is an integral part of your business, as usability for all functions is required. As part of UI, we at Tech ICS ensure a simplified model with a working user manual to allow all users to have full knowledge of each function within the system. In addition, our developers will use conventional icons that are user friendly and a modest colour theme that aims to be responsive.
Administration Panel
With all our software developments, at Tech ICS we provide an administration panel to manage. Here are some of the functions we provide on all cloud-based software:
User management & privileges, this permits user management, add, edit and remove also manage the use of download of data and use of the functionality.
Amend Content, when we build a system, you are able to add your business data, amend which will update the system in real-time. This includes changing images, colours where applicable.
Reporting Tools, this is fundamental to monitor users' usage to review customer data where required. Additionally, administrators are able to review revenue and analyse costings.
Coding languages
Giving a general outline, all our developers use the standard language being used by most development companies around the globe. Do note this can change depending on each project, in this case, we will keep you informed.
CodeIgniter with PHP framework.
HTML5 and CSS3.
We aim to provide a quote bespoke to creating your project. Be assured we will keep this affordable and reasonable to the requirements. Speak to us on 0207 237 3388 or email us on info@techics.com.
Support and updates
Our support and update services allow you to have on-demand access to our team to resolve issues. The Tech Team aims to resolve within 24 hours allowing you to get back online as soon as.
So, do let us know if you need any assistance regarding custom software development. To know more information or for any queries write to us here.